Sleepy Stonington, Maine

In the earliest days of Long Wharf, our friend Max Ablicki field-tested some gear up in Maine and took over our Instagram handle in the process. Best known as a sleepy fishing village, Stonington is a step back in time with unmatched natural beauty and serenity. Below is a short photo essay of his adventure along the coast.
Walking around the drizzly wharf in Stonington I stumbled upon this old-school Chevy pickup nestled between the modern cars. I imagined the fisherman who drove this old beast to work in the rain this morning. Made me wonder if we all ought to be vintage trucks in a world of clean cut modern cars.
I pulled up to this fishing hut later in the morning. The sun was slowly breaking the clouds apart and sneaking through. I walked down to the hut and met the old fisherman who worked out of it. He looked exactly as you'd imagine... a smile of few teeth behind a scraggly white beard. Blue bucket hat and orange sweater, a twinkle in his eyes like the sea on sunny day. We talked about his hut and the beautiful location. We shook hands and parted ways. Every time I see the sun over the ocean I'm reminded of him...